Tuesday, October 28, 2008

persuacive letter (4th grade Portfolio)

Dear Principal,
Just look at those kids frustrated over a test. That’s terrible! Students shouldn’t have to take tests. Students should not have to take test because some kids don’t have enough time to study, they are frustrating and stressful, and testing cuts into our fun activities.
One reason we shouldn’t have testing is some kids don’t have enough time to study. Many students participate in extra-curricular activities like sports, church, 4-H clubs, dance or music lessons take up after school time. This is time we would use for studying. Plus we have to do homework, chores, eat, take a bath, and go to bed early. I didn’t even mention free time to relax.
Tests are frustrating and stressful for kids. Children might loose sleep and not eat or drink because they’re worried about the test. Tests can even make kids feel sick. If they worry, loose sleep, don’t eat or drink, and feel sick, they will not do their best on the test. Don’t you want us to do our best?
My last reason is that tests cut into fun activities. Tests take up time. This is time we could be doing fun activities like arts and crafts, class projects, school plays, and holiday celebrations. Tests take the fun out of school.
Mr. Young, I know that you’re going to say that teachers need tests to see if the students are learning. But teachers can use other ways to see if kids are learning. Just think, “no more tests”.
Thanks for your time and your cooperation.

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